SONY VAIO Pro 11 系列Core i7 科技介紹- ePrice.HK VAIO Pro 13 / 11 是全球最輕量的可觸控筆電,它具有11.6 與13 吋兩種規格,當中13 吋重量僅1.060kg, ...
Ultrabook 不到900 公克,Core i7-4500U 的Sony VAIO Pro 11 ... 2013年6月24日 - 近期相當熱門的一台Ultrabook,Sony VAIO Pro 11 測試終於登場了! 進入到Haswell 處理器 ... 規格方面,我們收到的Pro 11 為Core i7-4500U 的機種。這款處理器時脈 ... : Sony VAIO Pro SVP1321DCXS 13-Inch Touchscreen Ultrabook (1.80 GHz Intel Core i7-4500U P Sony IT VAIO SVP1321DCXS 13.3-Inch Laptop At just 2.34 lbs. the carbon fiber VAIO ® Pro 13 Ultrabook™ offers exceptional performance, a FULL HD TRILUMINOS Display for mobile with 10 point touchscreen, and all day mobility in a sleek design. Get : Sony VAIO Pro SVP13215PXS 13.3-Inch Ultrabook (3.0 GHz Intel Core i7-4500U Processor, 8 TBA At just 2.34 lbs. the carbon fiber VAIO ® Pro 13 Ultrabook™ offers exceptional performance, a FULL HD TRILUMINOS Display for mobile with 10 point touchscreen, and all day mobility in a sleek design. Get even longer battery life with the opt
Sony - 請問Sony VAIO Pro 13的實用性 - 筆電討論區 - Mobile01 usher09222 wrote: 各位大大好,小弟是一...(恕刪) 如果你不在乎解析度只有1366*768、沒SSD固態硬碟 那麼可以考慮hp Envy 14-k027TX 比起Sony VAIO Pro 13少了快4000元的價錢 處理器Intel i5-4200U 記憶體4G Ram 硬碟1TB Nvidia GT740M 獨顯2G
Sony VAIO Duo 13 Unveiled (13.3" 1080p, Core i7, Windows 8 PRO, Stylus, 10Hr Battery, SSD & NFC!) - Sony has revealed the VAIO Duo 13 Windows 8 PRO hybrid PC/Tablet featuring: a new carbon-fiber design, trackpad, thin bezel, 1080p IPS display, NFC, LTE, 10 hrs battery, 8MP Camera w/ a $1400 price! Now it's official: the company just formally announced t
Sony VAIO PRO 13 Touch (SVP13218PGS Silver) Win8Pro Core i7-4500U,256GB SSD,13.3-inch Full HD Touchs * Note: Valid only for installment/deferred payments on selected credit cards. To avail of the 0% Interest Promo, you have to visit a Metro Manila VillMan branch, where your credit card will be processed. Accepted credit cards for 0% promo: BPI, Citibank,
輕過MBA Sony VAIO Pro 13、11 試玩- 科技新聞| ePrice 比價王 2013年6月5日 ... △Sony VAIO Pro 13 是本次發表會的一大亮點,定位是高階行動 ... 與Intel Core i5- 4200(1.6GHz),當中Core i7 版搭載256 GB ... 了答案,以下也提供香港的VAIO Pro 系列價格給大家參考。
13吋Pro 13 4代Core i7 - PChome線上購物
嚇死人規格的電腦:極致輕巧的觸控Ultrabook!VAIO Pro 13 試玩 2013年7月8日 ... Sony VAIO Pro 13 (Core i7) 重點規格: .... 會有不少人希望可以有沒觸控功能、價格 也更便宜的版本吧?